Moving Day

moving tools

I am a nester.  Once I settle in, I don’t like to move.

For three years, this little spot on the web has been my home.  I have made it mine.

I am comfortable here.

But, I forgot something.  I serve a God who likes to shake things up.  He moves.  He moves in spectacular fashion.

Last week, He moved in my life.

So, I am following His lead…..

My blog is moving to a new house.

For my e-mail following friends, I must let you know that you will not get any more e-mails after this one unless you stop by my new bloggy home and sign up again to receive posts in your inbox.

I hope you will come to visit.

Rainbow Prayers

2013-09-24 19.11.53

He’d been sitting out there for hours.  We’d been sailing through the Inner Passage in Alaska for 13 days.  On day 14, my husband disappeared onto the balcony with his binoculars and never came inside.  I visited him a couple of times… with my winter coat on.  I did not find the chill inviting, so I watched the view from the comfortable sofa inside our stateroom.

Just before lunch, he came inside looking for the camera.  “I asked God for a rainbow,” he declared.

I looked outside.  Although it was cold, there was not a cloud in the sky.  Humph, I thought… a rainbow on a sunny day.  This should be interesting.

“Lord, send my husband a rainbow,” my spirit breathed.  I know he’s your favorite.


A couple of days later, I was sitting on the couch back at home when my husband emerged from his office.  He’d just gotten off the phone — a call we had not expected to go well had gone decidedly in our favor.  Daily, we had prayed for God to make a way and give us favor in a seemingly impossible situation.

Honestly, I was not surprised at all when my husband said, “She gave us a green flag.”  After all, I had just finished uploading our Alaska pictures to Facebook.

The rainbow on the Alaskan sea smiled brilliantly back at me filling me with hope.


“He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed,
miracles that cannot be counted.”

Job 9:10, NIV


Q4U:  Has God ever answered a seemingly impossible prayer request that you offered up in faith?  I would love to hear your story!

My one-word focus for the year is “fruitilicious.”  Find out what that meanhere.

Thanks for stopping by!  I would love to connect with you on FacebookTwitter, or Pinterest.

Joining like-minded sisters today at Women Living Well,Tell His Story, Soli Deo Gloria, Hear it on Sunday: Use it on Monday and Playdates with God. 

The Free Pass

Christian Marriage

Every August, my husband gets a “free pass.”  It’s his busy season at work, so I try to give him some space.  If he wants to work himself into a frenzy until midnight for three days straight, then I let him.  I will not cry if he barely grunts at me in passing, and I attempt to find other things to keep me busy so that he doesn’t feel guilty.  (Target and Panera Bread, here I come!).

Before I got married, I had romantic expectations that my husband would snuggle with me on the couch after dinner on week nights, and that we would spend our weekends together in leisurely exploration of the city.  I pictured picnics at the park and long walks on the beach and dinner out with friends at quaint diners.

On the first Saturday we spent in our home together, my husband got out of bed at 5 AM and took a shower.  I rolled over and covered my eyes.  Hello!  It is Saturday – the day for sleeping in and lingering in your jammies all morning.  At 6 AM, he stopped by the bedroom on his way out to Walmart – he wanted to know if I needed anything.  I groaned a “no, thank you” at him.

I quickly learned that my love and I have a different pair of glasses on when it comes to time management….


I am honored to be Guest Posting over at Inspiration-Driven Life today for “Wedded Wednesdays.”  Head on over here to read the rest of this post.


A big “hello” and welcome to you if you are stopping by from Sarah’s today!  Click here to learn a little about me.  I would love to connect with you on FacebookTwitter, or Pinterest.

I am passionate about the subject of marriage and write about it frequently. To check out all my marriage posts, head on over here.