31 Days to Fruitful Living — Day 16

orange smileJoy thrives in the most unlikely places.  I learned this first hand last year.  You see, for 2012 my adopted theme was “Ain’t Nobody Gonna Steal My Joy.”  Looking back now, I realize how ironic that decision was because it was the hardest year of my life.    Yet,  in the midst of it all, I discovered that joy refused to die — it bloomed in the moments where friends prayed over me, where my husband hugged me and told me he loved me, and in the Scriptures God gave me to fertilize my spirit.

Joy will bloom in the soil of your heart even if the winter is harsh and sunlight seems elusive.  Just keep watering.


 “Dear brothers and sisters,

when troubles come your way,

consider it an opportunity for great joy.

For you know that when your faith is tested,

your endurance has a chance to grow.

So let it grow,

for when your endurance is fully developed,

you will be perfect and complete,

needing nothing.”

James 1:2-4, NLT


Q4U:  Has joy ever welled up in you during a difficult season?  Please share your story with us in the comment section below.

For further reading on this topic, check out “Cartwheels of Joy.”  

Come back tomorrow for Day 17 of “31 Days to Fruitful Living.” We will chat about sowing peace. I may have a black thumb, but I am determined to learn how to cultivate my spiritual life.
fruitful living big
Thanks for stopping by! I would love to connect with you on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.


I am joining The Nester and like-minded sisters for this crazy challenge:

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Photo Credit:  Alaa Hamed

31 Days to Fruitful Living — Day 15

happy fruit

Sow joy.  This gladness of heart springs up from faith.   A joyful person holds an exuberant outlook on life so that inner peace is not disturbed by outward turmoil.  The joyful choose to rejoice and keep moving forward with “holy optimism.”


“Light-seeds are planted in the souls of God’s people,
Joy-seeds are planted in good heart-soil.

So, God’s people, shout praise to God,
Give thanks to our Holy God!”

Psalms 97:11-12, MSG


Q4U:  How has God planted joy in your heart?  How do you cultivate this spiritual fruit?  I would love to hear your story.

Come back tomorrow for Day 16 of “31 Days to Fruitful Living.” We will chat about how joy is a tasty fruit. I may have a black thumb, but I am determined to learn how to cultivate my spiritual life.
fruitful living big
Thanks for stopping by! I would love to connect with you on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.


I am joining The Nester and like-minded sisters for this crazy challenge:

Nester button

Photo Credit:  Vjeran Lisjak