31 Days to Fruitful Living — Day 3

fruit in sun

Fruit trees need exposure to the sun.  It’s the most important element in producing fruit with a good color and yummy flavor.  If light intensity declines, a tree will be less fruitful.

The analogy here is obvious, isn’t it?  I need maximum time with the Son.  Spending time exposed to His Light will help me to be fruitilicious.


“Live in Me.

Make your home in me just as I do in you.

In the same way that a branch

can’t bear grapes by itself

but only by being joined to the vine,

you can’t bear fruit

unless you are joined with Me.”

John 15:4, MSG


Q4U:  How do you ensure that you have maximum exposure to the Son?


Come back tomorrow for Day 4 of “31 Days to Fruitful Living.” We will discuss how to nourish a fruit-bearing tree. I may have a black thumb, but I am determined to learn how to cultivate my spiritual life.
fruitful living big
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I am joining The Nester and like-minded sisters for this crazy challenge:

Nester button

Photo Credit:  Mr. Black

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